Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year Clean-Up Crew

I don't know about you, but I have trouble getting motivated to do my projects or getting anything done when I feel my house is a wreck. Even simple things like cooking dinner.

Well, getting organized and keeping things clean is one of the many resolutions I've made to myself for the new year. I've figured the best way to do this is to tackle one room/closet/space at a time. So yesterday I tackled the kitchen. The biggest part of the kitchen was the pantry. I couldn't believe how much was in there! It's amazing what gets hidden behind other stuffs!

After working for half of the day cleaning and tossing, the pantry went from this:
***Horrific screams***
(It took some psyching up to post this.
It's hard for me to admit that I'm messy sometimes.)

To this:
Hooray!!! I feel so much better!

I don't have the cute baskets or containers to make it exactly what I want, but it's definitely than what it as before.

Are any of you on the clean-up for the new year crew?


  1. That's pretty impressive Clarissa! Way to go!

  2. WAAAYYY impressive!! Thanks for linking up to Sassy Sites Operation Organization! Hasn't this been such a fun week and SOOO much has gotten accomplished! Time to time a little break and come by Sassy Sites and join us for our Free For ALL link up party tomorrow! No theme, no rules... just fun!! xoxo

  3. Baskets: Go to the goodwill on 50% day and you can pick them up for lest than 5 bucks each-- you can then clean em up or make cute cloth liners as you like. :)


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